Awaking the society and giving a new perspective to the world through my writings.

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"Fragments Of Life"

Most sold Tanka art includes a collection of digital postcards, intertwines poetry and visual art. It inspires to find beauty in everyday moment and offers a glimpse into creative vision for you to pause, reflect, and be transported to a world of wonder and change in each sight.

About My

My work embodies the multifaceted nature of existence. Through introspective prose and empathetic poetry, I offer readers a nuanced exploration of the human psyche, emotions and the beauty of nature.

Purchase Book

Claire’s Journey

Claire's Journey" is my poignant tanka addition that delves into the psychological states of individuals facing adversity, abuse and complexity of traumas. The tanka beautifully illustrates resilience, hope, and the transformative power of self-expression. The book is deeply committed to shedding light on social issues and empowering those who have been marginalized or oppressed.


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